committing to unlearning our peoples


ATLANTA --- Rampant misinformation is one of the most debilitating factors in our society. We many are unknowingly cemented in broken ways of thinking by forces in society wishing for arbitrary standards to be set; certain framing of history taught; ect. our educational system & general informational infrastructure is as broken as our roads / sidewalks.

        The alexb4mayor campaign wishes to ensure that the Atlanta is full of independent free thinkers who know what's going on; rather than believing the targeted propaganda which omits details to shape our perception on reality to match their needs to keep us subservient. The children of this city should be free to persue whatever interests them & encourage engagement in a system which allows students & citizens alike to set short term mental goals to master some new bit of knowledge or skill / trade. These chunks of 'general educational credits' would carry with them a cash payout to the learned one as a reward for bettering themselves & society. Righteous!

        The concepts of 'unlearning' / 'unschooling' are not creations of the alexb4mayor campaign to get beautiful cyber-vixen Alex Barrella to be voted most Mayor of Atlanta; but his campaign believes such a concept should exist as a choice in our educational systems. If we can incentivize a wizened open-minded people to be driven towards capturing more knowledge & skills we shall have a much better city indeed. Curriculum would be cross checked by expert professionals who too shall be compensated for their helpful transparent accuracy verifications.

        As a virtual aspect to public discourse over subjects; a section of our city-run website will be a collection of categorized forums to provide digital access to an official public square. All citizens will be allowed app access to this website on android / iphone; & phones shall be provided to all citizens free of charge + fully serviced with internet/tethering/voice/text because alexb4mayor loves all people & wish to see them treated fairly / given the opportunity to be heard & praised or ridiculed. Appreciating where we are on our journey towards grounded mindfulness by acknowledging where we lack.
        Anyway *ramble ramble ramble* have a good weekend people; peace & love!

~school's out there forever~