decriminalize artful vandalism


ATLANTA --- It makes the one person team here at alexb4mayor cry inside to see graffiti periodically scrubbed from public walls. Radical artist Alex Barrella-while lousy at wielding a can of spray paint-nonetheless wishes to see the act of tagging walls/buildings/whatever be not treated as criminal.         Upon acquiring executive power; this administration would be ready to pass city-ordinance codifying the above sentiment so we can collectively strive towards becoming as freely expressive of a society as we can possibly be(within a carefully understood framework of what constitutes 'protected speech' of course). Picture our streets with instead of the conversation being 'tagged wall' -> 'wall with off-coloured whitewashing' -> repeat; it became a communal board of low-tech asynchronous-conversation. A collective canvas for commentations.

         Cannot wait to debate the artistic merits of crudely drawn wangles & poopotty words being all up next to the 'olive garden'. Graffiti can certainly be art & art cannot be senselessly erased. It must be be arduously argued that the content is either hateful, a certain type of 'insightful' or somehow else obscene before we be allowed to deem it not appropriate for public viewing/consumption. We will be sure to include language guiding us to be extra-super mindful about not miscatigorizing what is seen appropriate in this medium so as to prevent prudish haters from sterilizing perfectly valid displays.

        Hopefully by the time we're ready to put this to our law books; one particularly asinine case involving the spray painting gold over the 'honourable' before the current mayors name on our city hall sign will be justly resolved(as in charges dropped)..We at alexb4mayor sincerely hope so because appropriate defacement of a sign with 'Mayor Alex Barrella' on it would absolutely be artful to him/me.

~A can don't attitude~