nationstate 'usa' illegitimate


ATLANTA --- It would not be inappropriate action for we citizens to throw out all the parts of government which are clearly working against people while fortifying and learning lessons from the parts of our government are working for people. Our "united states" are~in my opinion~wholly illegitimate for a number of reasons like the illegal colonization of our territories; to the fact that so many parts of our supposedly public entities are very much private and beholden to the wants / wills of capital.

    our local; state & national elections are a non-democratic farce which, in addition to voter suppression efforts to completely disenfranchise people in the form of striking their names from ballot rolls & other hostile roadblocks between valid registration for all too many; also leaves everyone with only the illusion of choice being that we are told only 2 options are viable.

    if our elections were equitable to third party participation and didnt have rampant democratic hurdles; if our systems were not geared towards normalizing the exploitation of citizens to dehumanize us down to simple worker / consumer status; if our suffering saw an end somewhere in the plans of the current steadfast powers that be to radically shift status quo to be humane & at least resembling something equitable: i might then consider our society to be a legitimate one.

    By observing the illegitimacy of all our supposed leaders & power structures we become one layer closer to a world not operated to maximize profits but rather to provide a decent life / civil rights to all its inhabitants. We decouple from the false rule of our abusers while keeping the parts of our law which work to protect us while exposing the ones which enslave.

~heat cannabis everyday~