the public bank


ATLANTA -- Monetary institutions largely suck because, outside of credit unions, banks are predominantly profit based. Their widespread penny chasing has long been a source of tragedy & harmful outcomes for the community with the reason being those "leading" in the banking industry aren't acting as if there are many hurt by their coldly running things to maximize dollar bills, dimes, nickels, pennies & those dollar coins.
    Radical leftist candidate; me(Alex Barrella), proposes not only pushing citizens to use non-profit based financial institutions; but also to oversee the conceptualization/design & build out of an official City of Atlanta community owned financial entity. 'ATLBank' or something sosuch.

    Why would we, as a city, want to create another bank? To put all the capitalistic ones out of business by creating an irresistible institution for transacting monies within. Have features like always being open, free checking / savings, equitable charitable loans for coolgood projects we as a city want to see, as well as for individuals/groups to have access to interest free vanishing loans for realizing collective or individual dreams which are currently held off because so many of us are cast as wage-slaves doing other people's work so we can have basic living necessities. Future possible 'good city of atlanta' will universally assure / provide for our citizens per need rather than held off miserly for greed. loans for everyone! debt is fake! woo!

    We can also use this bank as a central point of access where every citizen can access their basic income / reparations payments via debit or virtual debit card..& I guess present the ability to transfer funds / all those other services one usually gets done at a teller. We can also have ATM's which have anamatronic tellers 'chuck e-cheese' style handing people wads of their money while rapidly darting their eyes this way & that with their jaw slightly loose.

    I also have wonderful quasi legal ideas about taking the magic ????ness of cryptocurrency & using it to add value onto existing currency; like printing a QR code on a dollar bill which unlocks a speculatively valued 'dollar plus' we can use to do all sorts of financial fudge usually reserved for the central mint / global cabals.

    Basically it would be exciting to see established industry players try to respond to such normal shattering actions which would surely cut into their $$bottom line$$; so far as that response isn't my pretty self being disappeared; whisked off in an unmarked van. I reckon the more capitalistic ones might largely pull out of the city because they won't want to do all the awesome things ATLBank do. As a healing action, we can foreclose on their properties & develop public housing where left vacant.

~break the banks~