a city behind its labourers

ATLANTA --- For far too long the workers of this city(& globe) have been exploited; their rights trampled; their economic mobility stagnated or stalled. This campaign for mayor has the goal of bolstering labour laws & permitting people to exercise their workers rights fully by enacting several radicool ordinances meant to redistribute power from the wealthy few to the impoverished many.

        Regarding wages & hours; minimum wage will be made modern by setting a $20/hour wage floor while redefining a work week as 20 hours(additional time will be 1.5x wage overtime rate). We will enforce against discriminatory & otherwise unjust terminations by recognizing protected reasons which are not allowed to be used as means to pinkslip someone. We will have a department of labour tasked with hearing disputes between worker / employer with cases overseen by public committees keeping things transparent, inclusive & honest.

        We will ensure that small businesses are able to provide their workers the proper living wage by having programs for those struggling to make ends meet with the new wage rules by allowing them to get an additional monthly stipend to match the difference so there is no hardship passed on to employers who truly cannot afford their new business budget under drastically changed commercial / financial norms.

        We abolished slavery in one form while retaining its taint in the form of wage-slavery. Such grotesque realites are hushed by an establishment built upon its rotten foundation; sickening the alexb4mayor campaign & driving the want for bitching public policy which sees workers & non-workers alike finally given their fair share while also meeting their needs for a change. The wage bump which would be tied to usd inflation would compliment our $2k monthly universal basic income program; of which's infrastructure can be repurposed for other wealth redistributive purposes; like monthly reparations payments; unemployment; food assistance; ect.

~'right to work' unwrong-ed~