
ATLANTA --- We shouldn't fear the reaper but we shouldn't neglect the reaped, nor those affected still-living. We currently allow mortality itself to be an industry of profit which is pretty morally slimey for a number of reasons in my opinion. We should establish a department to ensure we have public funding for expenses relating to/surrounding death to guarantee that all~regardless of monetary concerns~have the means to honour their dead.

        Because future atlanta will be implementing a universal basic income; distribution of funds can utilize the same framework to help disperse funds not only for burial/cremation/whatever services; but also to the survivors.

        Because future atlanta will have universal healthcare including mental; we will be able to ensure the many complications & hardships associated with losing a denizen are as lessened as possible with a 'department of mortality' which is community owned & working towards making sure the above can be reality.

        To ensure adequate funds are made available per case; survivors tasked with being in charge of any ceremonies & logistics relating to carrying out the wishes of the dead will file with the city to be attached to the death. As many people needing to get involved would be allowed to join; this grouping would be a committee charged with following through / ensuring there is suitable / respectable handling of the passed with the bill footed directly by the city. Pets would be eligible too.

        We shall also have public sites that will serve as multipurposed centers of public graveyards, memorials, crypts, tombs. We should pass environmental code to ensure anything buried doesn't pollute the ground/water/air. It would be posterily just to have databases memorializing all who are born / who's lives end here / both.         This candidacy feels like the more accessible & collaborative / open we have our records / documents, the better we can ensure such data is freely accessible to the public. It too feels like public funding of something that will eventually befall us most is humane policy to aspire to.