ATLANTA -- We live under a metaphysical dome of fraudulence which purposefully drizzles us with misinformation formulated by the ~powers that be~ to maintain a fallacious narrative of a 'just-world'; that the way things are is for a good reason, when it is clear that the real reason is to maintain an inequitable grip on society sowhatto protect calculated industry profits & block meaningful change.
Forces of capital are continually trying to strip from us our humanity via making people soldiers of indefensible status quo. We are supposed to believe that our socioeconomic status is linked to ones worth or work ethic. We are meant to believe that withholding healthcare from those who cannot afford it is just. We are meant to accept that homes sit vacant while people sleep on the streets is. Decades upon decades of purposefully violent hateful inequitable status quos with no meaningful systemic progress subverting such ghoulish treatment of people & planet.
This established structure so largely flawed & the actors exploiting it so horrible/heartless; we need to radically shift how we operate our governance to realize a city that is fair, kind, just & actually for/by the people; not by plutocrats serving corporate interests & harvesting our metaphorical blood from the machinery they operate to extract it from us for non-metaphorical profit.
We do this by demanding our government serve good over serving greed. We do this by kicking out corrupt 'leaders' who are there to stifle progress with middling centrist(which in this political climate is right-winged) performative actions which are supposed to placate those not paying too close attention to how injustice is largely only growing in this city, state, nation & world at large.
Vote for me(alex barrella) for atlanta mayor on nov 5th 2021 because placing me in this position will be displacing one corrupt puppet of hateful capitalist industry(keisha lance-bottoms) who has repeatedly gone on the public record to illegally censor my words as public policy; serious actions/allegations she has curiously, yet to address. With a executive looking out for needs from the bottom up rather than profitable "solutions" which are top-down-ish like we've seen largely ignoring the severity of our housing crisis.
~Keisha; irregardless of your repeated actions to silence my valid criticism of your horribad politics~i believe you unfit to lead us towards a just society with any acceptable velocity. you appear content for society to continue largely on how it has for ages now; because you are in a position now shielded from many of the consequences of the continuation of such injustices. the progress you pushes for is much too limited in scope(conservative) to address the huge wrongs we have to right.~
To explain the titlage of this post: #UnfuxSociety a hashtag i use to sum up the general aims of this movement, is also meant to embody the crass tone of this campaign for mayor which all too often gets algorithms fired up to put the content into a second tier behind a 'show offensive posts' button. Just as my language sometimes gets my content subverted like so; too do my radicool political goals get my output similarly diminished & pushed to the bottom because such things are not good for/with those in power.
One more paragraph for good measure; alexb4mayor is just saying there seems to be reasons this candidacy has been ignored / redacted from any news coverage during this election thus far. it is my personal but grounded belief that if my populist eco-social-anarchist 'people over profit' ideas were given the same time/consideration as the more monied candidates; there would be a non-zero chance for my aims to be realized in me getting elected & enacting the structural changes to our processes to realize a government open to all denizens.